
join us

Mens Ministry

Comes together and meet for Breakfast Fellowship & Ministry normally each month. They focus on growing in spiritual matters and learning how to be better men in our families and community. To learn more, please stop by and see us or email us at

Womens  Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry is made up of terrific ladies who love the Lord, love our community and want to reach out to the world. As we cultivate deep connection with one another, we partner together to hold retreats, outreach to those in need & serve our church family.

For more information contact Ruth 808.756.1903

Women of Glory

Is a women’s ministry for the women of the Big Island with a vision to raise up local women to find their voice and to give away what they have been given. We are equipping and empowering local women to shine for God’s glory by giving them opportunities to minister, stretch their faith and use their gifts for the glory of their God.

Young Adults

If you are between the ages of 17 and 30 we would love to have you join us on Friday nights! Our young adults meet every week to deepen our walks with Jesus and each other through worship, games, bible study and heart work activities. 

 For more information contact Bethany 808.938.1956

Transformation School

We share teaching from Bill Johnson’s Supernatural School and Healing Room’s School of Transformation, which inspires personal and world transformation. Our mission is to create a venue to flow in the Spirit and position God’s people for personal encounters with God. Tuesday evenings beginning in Ocotober 2018. Interested Email Us!

Homeless Ministry

Deliverance Ministry

At CCC we take the commission of Jesus in Matthew 10 seriously. Through private and confidential sessions our trained pastors and leadership members assist people who are oppressed by evil spirits gain freedom.


To learn more about deliverance or to schedule a session contact the church office at 808.935.8025.